Corporate Social Responsibility
The Planning and Development Unit collaborates with communities, NGOs, companies, public and private institutions for community and territorial development in Colombia.
Our services are managed by international experts in development cooperation issues, and our challenge is to support community actions in the 4 themes of:
- Sustainable development
- Environment
- Indigenous Affairs
- Peace and Human Rights
Drafting a complete and coherent project under high competition conditions often discourages organizations from applying to funding funds. Those who apply often end up spending a lot of time and resources writing unsuccessful project proposals because of staff not trained enough to translate the needs of the organization into projects that are attractive to funding institutions.
Community development planning and management courses will help participants develop a technique for analysis and elaboration of the project proposal that maximizes the possibilities that organizations obtain the funds.
In addition to the theoretical classes, the courses provide for project design practices, which are a fundamental module in teaching planning processes for community development. Students will face the tasks of beneficiary involvement and analysis for project design in a real development project that is being proposed in the region.
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Comunidades y ONGs
The Planning and Development Unit supports some limited social initiatives that stand out for their potential for sustainable development and peace.
If you are an NGO or a community organization and are organizing a development project that fits within our lines of work and judges that your proposal can generate a great impact for the territory, you can send us an email describing your project idea, the beneficiaries of the action and expected impact. If our experts will positively evaluate your project idea, we will send an evaluation team to consider supporting your development action.
The Planning and Development Unit reserves the possibility of evaluating project ideas in all its aspects during a diagnostic visit with the proponents. At this stage, our experts will evaluate the project’s needs and its funding and implementation potential, including the availability of analysis and data for the correct preparation of the project proposal. The diagnostic visit includes:
– Evaluation on the logic and coherence of the project idea in relation to the territory and available resources;
– Evaluation about the data and analysis availability for the preparation of the project proposal;
– Evaluation on the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the action;
– Evaluation about financing measures by topic of intervention.
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Enterprises and business
Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) para las empresas
The Planning and Development Unit collaborates and helps companies in their social and environmental responsibility plans. Our activities include:
– the stakeholders involvement in the creation of shared strategies, so that the communities themselves can participate in identifying the social objectives that most benefit and at the same time collaborate for the success of the development actions;
– the analysis and collection of data necessary for project planning;
– the creation of national and international support networks to maximize the scope of CSR projects and promote the sustainability of actions;
– the preparation of project proposals to participate in national and international calls;
– creation and implementation of awareness-raising plans on CSR sensitive issues.
The Planning and Development Unit reserves the possibility of evaluating project ideas in all its aspects during a diagnostic visit with the proponents. At this stage, our experts will evaluate the project’s needs and its funding and implementation potential, including the availability of analysis and data for the correct preparation of the project proposal. The diagnostic visit includes:
– Evaluation on the logic and coherence of the project idea in relation to the territory and available resources;
– Evaluation on data and analysis availability for the preparation of the project proposal;
– Evaluation on the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the action;
– Evaluation about the financing measures by topic of intervention.
Business Consulting Services
The Planning and Development Unit is responsible for providing consulting, business evaluations and support for domestic and foreign companies that want to invest in Colombia. The analysys and activities of the UPD cover different tasks:
– Market assessment
– Information and contextual data
– Contacts with the public and private sector and support to the corporate and institutional network
– Organization and accompaniment when visiting Colombia
– Financial and environmental sustainability
– Corporate Social Responsibility Plans
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The UPD offers different types of training to foster the actors empowerment in matters of elaboration and management of projects, monitoring and evaluation, stakeholders’ management. The workshops are 2-day courses (10 hours), designed for professionals, teachers, public officials, who want to strengthen their capacities in specific topics in the contexts of territorial and community development.
The workshops in community planning and development aim to offer a coherent and logical understanding of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the projects, presenting the different typologies of analysis and data required, offering theoretical and methodological tools for teamwork, efficient decision making in different political contexts and good governance.
The seminars are academic interventions of up to 4 hours of informative nature about the opportunities in the international cooperation and the good practices in the sustainable development; during the implementation of projects, special seminars are organized together with international experts on different themes of sustainable development.
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