NGOs and Communities
Our Corporate Social Responsibility services
The Planning and Development Unit supports limited social initiatives that stand out for their potential for sustainable development and peace.
If you are an NGO or a community organization and are organizing a development project that fits within our lines of work and judges that your proposal can generate a great impact for the territory, you can send us an email describing your project idea, the beneficiaries of the action and expected impact. If our experts will positively evaluate your project idea, we will send an evaluation team to consider supporting your development action.
The Planning and Development Unit reserves the possibility of evaluating project ideas in all its aspects during a diagnostic visit with the proponents. At this stage, our experts will evaluate the project’s needs and its funding and implementation potential, including the availability of analysis and data for the correct preparation of the project proposal. The diagnostic visit includes:
- Evaluation on the logic and coherence of the project idea in relation to the territory and available resources;
- Evaluation about the data and analysis availability for the preparation of the project proposal;
- Evaluation on the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the action;
- Evaluation about financing measures by topic of intervention.
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